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Once again, thanks to Ryan's Kingdom and Whose Line Hmm for the pics!!!

*last updated January 26th, 2005*


Nice hair, Greg. Seriously.

Yet another spirited game of Dance Dance Revolution that gets out of hand

Nice hair there Ry. Seriously.

I think Colin has a bit of indigestion...

Colin is seriously scary in this one and Ryan looks like he has no clue

I don't know what those are and I don't wanna find out.

It's okay, Ry. We all love bacon.

Flower Power!

Gotta love 'em for being so normal

"No, Greg. No matter how much we love each other, we can never be together."

A nice collage

and another

Not even Colin can resist Wayne

I dreamed I didn't have any hair!

Nice air, Mista S.
Greg KNOOOWWWSS something. Apparently.


What a nice, family-friendly moment

That's what happens when you only give 'em 999 points

I would love to run into Ryan in dark alley...

But Ryan, you've got such big feet...

Ryan's having a nervy spaz of some sort

WtH? I haven't seen this one, but Ryan looks like he's chewing tobacco, Colin looks like he's giving birth, and Wayne looks like RuPaul. ??

Greg was a stripper in a former life I think

And apparently Ryan was a magician

Am I the only one that thinks Ryan looks like some sort of...evil fish here?

When I first saw this screengrab I thought someone had added in the halo, like with Paint or Adobe or something and then I realized it was Dating Service Vids


Ryan is having either an epiphany or an aneurism, however you spell that

Chip can whistle. I cannot.

It looks like there's something coming out of Chip's tummy...

Colin looks oddly mouse-like and Wayne looks oddly invisible

Since when do mustaches look like that?!


I think that what little hair Colin has in this pic looks really good

At least Colin feels secure enough that he can pick his nose on TV and know that his fandom will still love him
Brad looks oddly skinny here

That thing looks, to me, like a giant Froot Loop

If you just look at Chip's face, he looks like he's either really hairy or is wearing really light makeup

It's okay, Ry, we've all got cheeks

It's newsflash. Very odd.

I can just see those two bringing those to the beach and terrorizing old ladies...

Stinky, Col?

Er...am I the only one that thinks Wayne has a unibrow here?

I want Ryan to do *my* nails!

What a magical little canteen

Everyone is bent over, Wayne is invisible, and Colin is checking to see if Brad has nipples. Yup just another day of improv

Nice balance there Chip

Colin looks like he's in pain...poor Captain Hair

Chip is going to spit and that girl looks rodentish

One bald joke too many, I guess
Improv can be tiring
What the freaking heck? Seriously!

Chip looks like some sort of...demented guy from the Old West

Ryan and Colin are very close friends

If you can find anywhere else on NATIONAL TV that this is done, then Colin isn't bald

The first time I saw this, I thought he actually had both legs up and then I realized he's balancing on the one we can't see

Run for your life Nsync, Wayne and Chip are gonna steal all your teenyboppers
Brad looks...drunk or something
My but doesn't Drew look comfortable
Ryan seems to have extra forehead in this one...

*sigh* NO, Colin, the sentances go into his POCKET...
Yeah, Col, that'll get them out
Why is it that on some of these...like the one with Colin and the canteen and knife...the background is shadowed like that? Highlight it. Looks normal. Unhighlight. Shadowy.