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Similar to the Whoser Purity Test, this is a quiz that will determine what type of Whoser you are based on - well, how obsessed you are with show, basically. So go ahead! Have a crack at it, and enjoy!

1) Would you ever miss an episode of WL?

  1. HECK NO!!!
  2. If I had it taped
  3. Not voluntarily
  4. If I had a lot of homework or something
  5. If there was something better I wanted to do

 2) How many of your sns/handles are WL-related?

  1. All of them!
  2. All but one or two
  3. There are a few I guess
  4. None

 3) Colin Mochrie was not born in Canada. (no using the bios page)

  1. True
  2. False

 4) Have you named anything after a Whoser?

  1. More than one of the below
  2. A child
  3. A pet
  4. A stuffed animal
  5. Something else
  6. No

 5) Are your best friends the ones that are Whosers?

  1. All of my friends are Whosers!!
  2. My BEST friends are but I have friends that aren’t
  3. Not my BEST ones but I have one or two that are
  4. No

 6) Do you have any episodes of WL memorized for dull moments?

  1. Why of course
  2. Not full episodes but I have a couple Hoedowns or something committed to memory
  3. No

 7) Have you ever bought something that was not TECHNICALLY WL-related because it seemed that way to you? (i.e. a shirt with ‘Canada’ on it for Colin, glasses that remind you of Greg or Drew’s, etc)

  1. Yes, a lot of stuff
  2. One or two things
  3. No

 8) Did you or someone you know invent a test-taking method/diet/something similar that is WL-based?

  1. I did!
  2. Someone I know
  3. No, but that’s a good idea!
  4. Er, no

 9) Have you ever had a dream about WL or a Whoser?

  1. All the time
  2. A couple times
  3. They made a brief appearance
  4. No, but I wouldn’t mind
  5. Not that I recall

 10) Have you twisted some homework/schoolwork thing into something WL-related?

  1. Heck, I’ve done a final paper that way!
  2. Yeah
  3. Sort of, I guess
  4. No, but I would if I got the chance
  5. No

 11) Do you make up Hoedowns about things going on around you?

  1. Are you kidding?? I think in nothing BUT Hoedowns!
  2. When I’m bored, yeah
  3. I have a few times
  4. No

 12) How many tapes of Whose Line do you have?

  1. Every freakin’ episode!
  2. Four or more
  3. A couple
  4. Not tapes per se but I have a few TiVo’d
  5. None

 13) How many WL-related things are in your room?

  1. LOTS
  2. A couple
  3. A ticket stub or something
  4. None

 14)Do you have online friends that are Whosers?

  1. Why of course
  2. A few
  3. No I have a friend or two in real life that is a Whoser, that’s enough
  4. Nope

 15) If you saw a big, bright blue shoe outside of something WL-related what would you do?

  1. Say “OMIGOD IT IS RYAN’S SHOE!!!!!!!!!!” and treasure it always.
  2. Say “Ryan’s shoe!” and try to find him and give it back
  3. Think “Hmm. That looks sorta like the tall guy’s shoe.”
  4. Think “Weird shoe.” and walk away.

 16) Do you and your friends have WL-related inside jokes?

  1. All of ours are!
  2. Yes, a couple
  3. Nope

 17) How many times a day do you have romantic fantasies about a Whoser?

  1. Allllllllllll the time.
  2. A couple
  3. If I am especially bored, one or two
  4. None, I like them but not like that.

 18) How much of your computer is filled with WL-related stuff?

  1. Icons, pics, fanfics, bookmarked sites, background...pretty much everything
  2. A good portion
  3. I have a WL icon and a good site bookmarked
  4. None

19) If you went to a live WL event, what would you do with your ticket stub?

  1. Treasure it always and sleep with it under my pillow!
  2. Put it on my bulletin board
  3. Save it, maybe I’ll put it in a scrapbook later?
  4. Let’s face it...I'd probably throw it away/misplace it accidentally

 20) Do you do improv?

  1. I have been doing it since before I even knew about WL
  2. Now that I’ve grown to like the show, yes.
  3. Eh, if I were good at it I might
  4. No





Five-option questions: 5 points per ‘A’, 4 per ‘B’, 3 per ‘C’, 2 per ‘D’, 1 per ‘E’

Four-option questions: 5 points per ‘A’, 4 per ‘B’, 3 per ‘C’. 2 per ‘D’,

Three-option questions: 5 points per ‘A’, 3 per ‘B’, 1 per ‘E’

Two-option questions: 5 points per ‘A’, 1 per ‘B’



YEAH!! You’re happen to be one of the Whoser elite, my friend! You eat Twiglets....have Whose Line dreams at night...think in Hoedowns...way to go! Go watch WL to celebrate!


69-84 points....MEGA WHOSER

You’re getting up there! You reallyreallyreally like Whose Line, but you don’t exactly have Whoser OCD like, say, me. But if you try, Whoser OCD isn’t that difficult to get. Don’t worry and keep watching WL.


53 - 68 points......AVERAGE WHOSER

Nice! You like Whose Line, sure, and it is a part of your life, but the operative word here is part. You might have seen a live WL event or had a couple WL dreams, but you aren’t totally obsessed with the show.


39 - 52 points....SORT OF A WHOSER

Good...to you, WL’s just a show, no matter how much you like it. You watch it, laugh, and then go about the rest of your life. Slowly but surely, though, you’re getting your way up there...



Okay, so you took the time to take this quiz, that’s something. And you probably watch the show, that’s something, too. But, sorry, you just don’t count as a real Whoser - yet! Whosers are a very welcoming bunch, though, so keep trying!