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Funny Quotes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from Wayne, Brad, Chip, and Drew

Wayne Quotes

Mi nombre es Officer Big Bob!

Look's like we got us some coca-colas!!

Hey, baby, it's me, Lando.

H-O-R-W-A-R-D! Howard! H-O-R-W-A-R-D!

Hey, say girl, I work with Drew Carey

Shut up, chunky butt!

It's hard to spell at 210 beats per minute.

If you aren't in my mind and you don't know what I'm thinkin'.....you gotta bring this ROUND!

I've got a fig ol' futt!

Y'all children quiet down now! There's enough RuPaul to go around for evvvvvviriiiiibawwdy!!!!!!!!

Would ya like some jello, Hitler?

I'm the ejimicated one!!

Welcome, Alice, welcome.



Who dropped the soap? Who dropped the soap?

Gotato chigs!!

Well hello prospectors!

Oh no! Your fladder is fruised!

Das' de las' time you kids getta watch dat show...

I've accidentally set off the "Do the Hustle" alarm!

Pick your Monopoly fortune card!

When asked to comment, she shimmied up a tree and flung poo at the press.

Luckily your head isn't made of frozen chicken.

Some people say that rodents aren't flammable, well....



I broke Ryan!!

Luke, I'm your second uncle twice removed

And everyone died. Speaking of dying, I've been dying to see the new Bruce Willis flick...

You scare me and i LIKE that!

He's the farmer's daughter's father.

Did you hear the nose, I mean the news??


More ale, wench!

I haven't seen Colin run that fast since Free Liquor Day in Toronto...

You know, parents, it's being proven that kids that are hugged more often do better in school, they feel better about themselves, and have better self-esteem. So if you see me hugging your teenage daughter.....I'm just helpin' out.

You like happy endings? Play the show backwards!

And if you want a transcript of tonight's show, just write down every word we're saying.

That's each 1000 you points for.

I love you, Ryan Stiles.

I'm sayin' I don't like your food!!

Sorry, I can't give you points because I couldn't here you because Ryan's shoes were too loud...

This next game's also for Cowboy Bob...

Hey, Ryan, Ringling Bros. called, they want their shoes back.

The points don't matter, just like fish and a bicycle ride to a lesbian.........ah, I don't know.

The points don't matter, just like....ah, I don't know, something that doesn't matter.

Come on down, bruthas and sistas, and let's have some fun!

The winner gets to do a little somethin' special with me and the loser goes back to Canada where he belongs!